4 Tips for Your Worker’s Compensation Case

Posted on Wednesday, January 10th, 2018 at 8:11 am    

Employers are required by law to provide some amount of safety and security for their workers, and to have worker’s compensation insurance in the case of jobsite injury. Thousands of people are hurt at work every year in Atlanta, through no fault of their own, with injuries ranging from minor cuts and scrapes, to serious back and head trauma. If you have recently been injured at your place of employment, you are entitled to speak with a qualified Atlanta worker’s compensation attorney. There are many steps to fulfilling your responsibilities as an employee, and several things to know if you want to seek legal assistance for your case.
Just like with any kind of legal proceedings, there are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind for your worker’s compensation case. Here are a few things to keep in mind, after your workplace injury:

  1. Report it immediately

Your employer needs to know when and how you were injured, as soon as possible, following the injury. Don’t wait to file a formal report, or to notify your supervisor. Even though it may interfere with the day’s duties, or you may feel ashamed of your injuries, the sooner you start the process, the better.

  1. Seek care right away

Don’t put off seeing a doctor after you’ve been hurt, even if it doesn’t seem that bad. The severity of your injury may only become apparent after a few days, and the longer you wait to seek medical care, the worse it looks for your case. Ask your employer for a list of approved medical providers, and/or visit the ER.

  1. Hire a knowledgeable attorney

Often, injured employees are up against unfavorable odds when it comes to getting compensation for their suffering. It’s important to understand that you are entitled to speak with an attorney, and to hire your own legal representation. Do your research on experienced worker’s compensation lawyers in Atlanta, and take advantage of their free consultations.

  1. Follow your instructions

In a worker’s comp case, you have your own rights and responsibilities. Whether it is your doctor or lawyer making suggestions for your actions, listen to them. Follow the prescribed medical treatment plan, and complete any paperwork that your attorney asks you to. When you’re compliant, things will proceed much more smoothly in your case.

When you want to talk to an experienced attorney about your workplace injury, get in touch with the law office of Jonathan R. Brockman. Request your free consultation to get started!

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