Car Accident Lawyers in Carrollton

Car accident lawyers in carrollton

Car accidents are a sad and unfortunate fact of life. They cause serious injuries, and sometimes death, to their passengers and pedestrians. They’re also often preventable.

In 2018, there were 1,407 fatal car accidents in Georgia, causing a total of 1,504 deaths. Georgia had the fourth-highest number of fatal car accidents in 2018, following California, Florida, and Texas.

In Carroll County alone, there were 3,432 car accidents in 2017, which caused 1,199 injuries.

Whether they are caused by reckless, drunk, distracted, or another kind of dangerous driving, car accidents can destroy lives. Innocent victims can be left with permanent injuries to bear for the remainder of their lives. These injured Georgians shouldn’t have to pay the resulting medical bills and lose wages from missed work too.

Luckily, with the help of a qualified attorney, you can demand fair compensation for your crash. If you or a loved one were injured in a Carrollton car accident, you might be entitled to recover damages for the injuries that you suffered in the accident. To understand your rights under Georgia law, contact an experienced Carrollton car accident attorney today.

The attorneys at Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. can help. We’ve represented victims of car crashes for over 30 years, so we have the experience and the knowledge to answer all of your questions. Your injury claim could be the first step on a path towards recovery.

At Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C., we believe in providing personalized and aggressive representation on behalf of our client. Our approach has earned us a reputation as formidable advocates, and our successes have earned us recognition throughout Georgia as a premier Carrollton personal injury law firm. Our attorneys are members of the Million Dollar Advocate Forum and have been named as some of the country’s Super Lawyers.

Call the Carrollton car accident attorneys following your car accident to discuss the circumstances of your case in a free, confidential consultation.

We’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We can be called at 770-205-0933, or you can reach us via our online chat.

Table Of Contents

    Do I Need a Carrollton Car Accident Attorney?

    In short, if you were involved in a car accident in Carrollton, yes. You need a Carrollton car accident attorney.

    The attorneys at Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. can help you. They can explain whether you have legal recourse against the driver that caused your injuries. Your Carrollton car accident attorney can handle all aspects of your personal injury claim. This will allow you to focus on your medical recovery.

    Your attorney at Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. can identify all of the potential sources of recovery. This may include not only making a claim against the driver of the vehicle that struck you but also bringing filing a claim with your own insurance company for damages not covered by the other driver’s insurance policy.

    Your lawyer will conduct an investigation into the facts surrounding your car accident. This may include obtaining statements from all the witnesses, visiting the accident site to photograph the area where the crash occurred, and documenting the damage to all of the vehicles involved.

    After their investigation is complete, your Carrollton car accident attorney will obtain all of the necessary paperwork to document your losses, including your medical records and employment records. They’ll then present your claim to the insurance company in order to demand a settlement for your injury without having to file suit in court.

    If the insurance company won’t agree to a fair and full settlement, the attorneys at Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. will fight for just compensation in court. We’ll take your case all the way to a judgment, if necessary.

    Why Choose Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. to Handle My Carrollton Car Accident Case?

    The attorneys at Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. have dedicated their practice to representing people injured in accidents they didn’t cause.

    Over the past 30 years, Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. has obtained millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for their clients.

    At Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C., we believe in building personal relationships with our clients. We also believe in working hard on their behalf to obtain the best possible results in every situation. That means maximum compensation.

    We’re proud of what our clients have to say about us, so we hope you’ll read their testimonials.

    Types of Car Accident Cases We Handle

    Car accident lawyers in carrolltonAt Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C., we handle every kind of car accident. If you’re not sure whether your cash counts, you can always check with us during a free case evaluation.

    Many car accidents are caused by distracted driving. If the other driver was talking on their phone, texting, fixing their hair in the mirror, or otherwise not paying attention to the road, they might be liable for a crash they cause.

    Some accidents occur due to fatigued driving. Drivers who get behind the wheel without getting enough sleep can cause havoc on the road. Drowsy drivers are at risk of falling asleep behind the wheel. They also lack the cognitive skills to operate a motor vehicle safely, risking the lives of everyone on the road.

    Impaired driving is another major cause of car accidents in Georgia. Despite the many known risks, irresponsible people still choose to drive after using drugs or alcohol. Their actions often destroy the lives of others. They should be held responsible for their behavior.

    Rear-end collisions are a common type of collision in Georgia, and while they’re sometimes considered “fender benders,” they often impart serious injuries and damages, especially if the rear vehicle is speeding.

    Speeding accidents are a frequent cause of dangerous accidents in Carrollton. The high rate of speed from a fast-moving car has proportionally more impact when it collides with another vehicle than a car traveling at a regulated speed. Greater force in the accident creates even more serious injuries.

    Hit-and-run accidents are a special case of accident that requires extra resources to investigate. If you were injured by a hit-and-run driver, be sure to contact an attorney immediately to help you put together your case, before the evidence disappears.

    Fatigued driving accidents occur when someone is so tired they shouldn’t get behind the wheel of a car. Fatigued drivers put everyone else on the road at risk.

    Uber accidents are becoming more common, and it might be challenging to obtain the compensation you need, whether it’s from the at-fault Uber driver or from Uber’s insurance company. Having an attorney on your side will improve your chances of success.

    Regardless of how the accident happened, your attorney will need to show that it was the other driver’s negligence that caused the crash to prevail in your car accident claim.

    Proving negligence involves showing the following elements:

    • That the other driver owed a duty to you as a driver on the roads in Carrollton;
    • That the duty was breached;
    • That the breach caused your injuries; and
    • That you suffered damages because of the accident.

    Once your Carrollton car accident attorney proves that the accident was caused by the negligence of the other driver, we’ll also document the damages that you suffered in the accident. Once we have a total, we’ll demand compensation for the full amount you’re owed.

    Damages that you may be eligible to collect following a Carrollton car accident include:

    • Pain and suffering
    • Past and future medical expenses
    • Past and future lost wages
    • Loss of earning ability
    • Loss and enjoyment of life
    • Loss of spousal consortium
    • Other out-of-pocket expenses

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Car Accidents

    What should I do if I’ve been involved in a Carrollton car accident?

    If you were involved in a car accident in Carrollton, you should immediately seek treatment for your injuries.

    If you’re able, remain at the scene of the accident until emergency responders arrive. It’s important to give your statement to the investigating officer, especially if the other driver attempts to blame you for causing the accident.

    At the accident scene, record the names and addresses of any eyewitnesses to the accident. Take photographs of the scene and the damage to the vehicles. This evidence will help prove how the accident occurred and who was at fault for the accident.

    As soon as you’re able to after the accident, contact the car accident attorneys at Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. You can learn about the compensation to which you’re entitled following the accident in a free consultation. The sooner you retain an attorney, the more likely it is that your attorney can obtain the maximum settlement available for your crash.

    What are some common mistakes people make following a car accident?

    One common mistake people make after a car accident is apologizing or admitting fault to the other drivers in the accident. These statements can be used against you in later proceedings to argue that you were at fault for the accident.

    Another common mistake is waiting too long to seek medical care. Insurance companies will try to claim that you weren’t injured in the accident or only suffered minor injuries if you wait too long to get treatment.

    Finally, it’s a mistake to post photos on any of your social media accounts following your crash. Seemingly innocent photos could be used later in the proceedings to damage your claim.

    What types of injuries are typically caused by car accidents?

    Car accidents frequently cause injuries to a victims’ neck and back. These can include sprains and strains, as well as disc herniations and damage to the spinal nerves.

    Other common injuries caused by car accidents include concussions and other head injuries, such as a subdural hematoma. Catastrophic injuries like internal bleeding, fractured bones, and paralysis may result from high-speed or truck crashes. Unfortunately, tens of thousands of people are killed every year in car accidents all across the country.

    How long do I have to bring an action for my car accident injuries?

    In Georgia, people injured in car accidents have two years to file suit in court. Contact an attorney right away to protect your right to compensation, since the build-up to a trial can take time.

    Call the Attorneys at Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. To Discuss Your Carrollton Car Accident Case

    If you were injured in a car accident in Carrollton, call the attorneys at Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. as soon as possible. We’re ready to help you recover the compensation that you deserve.

    Call us today at 770-205-0933 to schedule a free, no-risk initial consultation with one of our experienced lawyers. We won’t charge you anything unless we recover money for you.

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