Carrollton Speeding Accident Attorneys

Did you sustain injuries in a car crash because another driver was speeding? Are you unsure of how to pursue financial compensation for the expenses you incurred? If so, contact the Carrollton car accident lawyers of Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. to represent you in your case. You might be entitled to a monetary award to cover your losses and the suffering you experienced due to the accident. We know state laws and the deadlines we must follow to hold the other driver liable for their actions.

At Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C., we’ve been handling injury cases for over 30 years and understand the effects a car crash can have on a person’s life. You may not be able to work or support your family. The cost of medical treatment can lead to debt and cause significant stress while you’re trying to heal your injuries. You won’t be alone in this fight for justice. Until the very end, we will remain by your side and provide the guidance, support, and services you need and deserve. For a free consultation with one of our Carrollton speeding accident attorneys, call us at 770-205-0933.

Common Injuries Sustained in Car Accidents Due to Speeding

A specific stopping distance is necessary for a vehicle to come to a complete stop. Experts determined a car traveling at 60 miles per hour requires at least a 120 to 140 feet distance to stop. Drivers traveling above the speed limit need an even greater stopping distance and will likely have little time to react to avoid crashing with the rear of another vehicle when traffic comes to a standstill. They can’t maneuver their car out of the way or make the correct split-second decision that prevents causing harm to other drivers and passengers.

Car accidents under other circumstances often cause injuries. However, the risk of severe injuries and death increases when someone speeds. That’s because the force between two vehicles colliding is enough to result in significant damage to your body. You not only have to worry about the initial impact but collisions with additional cars, leading to further injuries.

The most common injuries caused by speeding car accidents include:

  • Spinal cord damage
  • Broken or fractured bones
  • Whiplash
  • Concussion or traumatic brain injury
  • Crush injuries
  • Ejection injuries
  • Paralysis
  • Psychological damage
  • Internal bleeding
  • Wounds and burns
  • Loss of limb or amputation injuries
  • Permanent mental or physical disability

The crash wasn’t your fault, and you shouldn’t be held liable for the costs of your injuries. Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. can file an insurance claim and negotiate with the insurance company for the maximum available settlement. You deserve compensation for the harm you suffered and the daily disruptions to your life caused by the accident.

Determining Who Is Liable After a Car Accident

The speeding motorist should be financially responsible for the injuries you suffered and the resulting expenses. Georgia’s fault system holds at-fault drivers liable for the injured party’s losses. That means they must provide compensation to cover your medical bills and other costs associated with the car crash. Typically, their auto insurance company is the one to pay.

Vehicle owners and operators must carry auto insurance with minimum limits for bodily injury and property damage. Bodily injury covers any losses to the person associated with the injury, and property damage covers the expenses related to repairing or replacing a damaged vehicle or other items damaged in the accident. Depending on the limits the speeding driver chose, you could recover a settlement amount that compensates for your total losses.

The losses potentially available in an insurance claim include:

  • Property damage
  • Emotional distress
  • Medical bills
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium or companionship
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning capacity

The insurance adjuster might seem friendly and willing to help you out, but they’re likely looking out for their own interests. Insurance companies want to save money and avoid large settlement payouts. Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. can handle all communication with the adjuster during the claims process so you don’t make the common mistake of saying something that can negatively impact the compensation you receive.

We will review all factors associated with your case to determine a fair monetary value. Some of the factors we might consider are:

  • Type and severity of the injury
  • Permanent disability resulting from the injury
  • Length of necessary medical treatment
  • Total expenses associated with the accident
  • Effect of the injury on quality of life
  • The estimated cost of medical care or assistance in the future
  • Amount of liability limits on the other driver’s policy
  • Sufficiency of evidence proving someone else caused the crash

If you discover that the at-fault driver doesn’t have liability coverage, you might be entitled to a settlement from your auto insurance company. Uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM) is optional insurance in Georgia that all insurance companies must offer to policyholders. It provides compensation for some losses when the liable motorist doesn’t have liability insurance or high enough policy limits.

Filing a UM claim could compensate for the following losses:

  • Medical bills
  • Pain and suffering
  • Property damage
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning capacity

Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. can obtain copies of all available auto insurance policies and review them for the coverage amounts. We want to ensure there’s enough available compensation to cover your past and future losses adequately.

Handling the Aftermath of an Accident with a Speeding Driver

The Carrollton speeding accident attorneys from Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. understand the shock and confusion you might experience after getting hurt in a car crash. You probably don’t know what to do next or how to handle an insurance claim. If you don’t know your rights and how insurance claims work, you could end up with significantly lower compensation than you deserve. Additionally, dealing with an insurance adjuster can be overwhelming as their goal is to settle the claim quickly for as little money as possible.

The first step you need to take is to go to the hospital. Motor vehicle accidents are serious and can lead to severe injuries. When someone is speeding, the aftermath can be catastrophic. You shouldn’t go home to rest and hope you’ll feel better the next day.

Allow a doctor to examine you and determine the treatment plan that can help you recover. The emergency room physician might refer you to other medical provides or for imaging tests. Follow their instructions and continue with treatment until you heal. Skipping appointments or delaying initial treatment could affect the settlement amount the insurance company offers.

It’s also critical that you seek legal representation. Accident victims who choose to handle their case alone typically end up with less money than those who hire an experienced Carrollton speeding accident attorney. You could face roadblocks along the way that you don’t know how to handle.

Additionally, the paperwork, deadlines, and state laws surrounding car accident cases can be confusing to understand. Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. will take over the entire process, so you don’t have to worry about locating relevant evidence or communicating with the insurance company.

While you’re healing from your injuries, we will complete each step of the claims process. We have the resources to obtain the evidence we need to prove another person caused the accident that resulted in your injuries. Examples are:

  • Police reports
  • Statements from eyewitnesses
  • Accident scene photos
  • Video surveillance
  • Your medical records and bills
  • Lost wage reports
  • Estimates of the damage to all cars involved in the crash

If you receive letters from the insurance company or other documentation associated with the case, you should send them to us immediately. Any evidence we can provide to the insurance company can be useful to support what happened. Don’t dispose of your medical records or personal property damaged in the collision. The insurance company will investigate your claim and could find it challenging to issue a denial if there’s sufficient evidence showing someone else should be liable for your injuries.

Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. Legal Fees and Costs

The Carrollton speeding accident attorneys of Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. know you might face economic burdens after the car crash. Emergency room visits, prescription drug costs, physical therapy, and other expenses can add up over time and lead to medical debt. We don’t want to add to the stress you’re already experiencing while treating your injuries and figuring out how to afford your losses.

We take cases on contingency. That means we don’t charge upfront fees or costs to represent clients after an accident due to another person’s negligent actions. You won’t be expected to pay for our legal services unless we successfully recover financial compensation in an insurance settlement or lawsuit. If we lose, you will never have to pay us for the work we’ve done.

Speak to a Dedicated Carrollton Speeding Accident Attorney from Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C.

From the second you walk through the door of our office, we will treat you as a priority. We believe in providing transparent communication from start to finish of the case. You will receive the guidance and support you need while navigating the confusing legal road of an accident case. Our legal team is available 24/7 to answer your call when you need us the most.

If a speeding driver caused your injuries in a car crash, do not hesitate to contact Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. immediately so we can begin working on your case. We’ll be happy to meet you for a free consultation and explore the available options for recovering the maximum compensation you deserve. Call us now at 770-205-0933.

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