Debunking Myths Surrounding Personal Injury Suits

Posted on Friday, March 29th, 2019 at 10:11 pm    

Most people do not have a lot of experience with personal injury suits. As such, after being injured, a person might have misconceptions about what exactly a personal injury suit entails and the details surrounding it. There are many misconceptions surrounding personal injury suits that can be confusing for someone without experience. These misconceptions might even deter someone from filing a lawsuit. The following are myths and misconceptions surrounding personal injury suits and why they should not be believed.

“My injury was minor, I don’t need an attorney.”

You might think that you were not inured “enough” in an accident to warrant filing a personal injury suit, but this is likely not the case. Even if you think that you have suffered only a minor injury, the bills can add up quickly and you might soon find yourself in over your head with medical debt. Speaking with a personal injury attorney soon after an injury can give you some  perspective on the seriousness of your injury, potential damages due to you, and whether a personal injury suit might be a reasonable option in your case.

“My insurance will cover everything.”

Most people think that if they are injured and need medical attention, their medical insurance will cover the costs associated with those injuries. An insurance company might cover some costs, but there is no guarantee that every bill or procedure will be covered. Insurance companies are for-profit businesses that want to limit the amount of money paid out to their clients.

“I cannot afford an attorney.”

Yes, attorneys’ fees can be expensive, but the fee structure is different for personal injury cases. First, most personal injury firms will offer a free consultation to help you determine the need for a lawsuit. Second, most personal injury attorneys work on a contingent fee basis. This means that no upfront costs are paid. Instead, the attorney will collect a percentage of the damage award at the conclusion of the case. You very might well not have to pay anything before or during your case — only a percentage of the award amount at the end of a case.

“I can wait to speak with an attorney.”

It is important to speak with an attorney immediately after an injury occurs. In Georgia, there is a statute of limitations in filing personal injury suits. You only have two years from the date of the injury to file a personal injury suit. Usually, the timer starts as soon as the injury occurs and there are very few, if any, ways to bypass the two-year statute of limitations. Even if you think two years is a long time, it can take time to put together a personal injury case. Speaking with an attorney early on can give your case the best chance at success.

The personal injury attorneys at Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. are here to help. We want you to receive the compensation you are due after an injury. Do not let misconceptions surrounding personal injury prevent you from reaching out to us and getting help and advice about your case. Do not delay, contact us today for a consultation.

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