Statistics Show Pedestrian Fatalities on the Rise in Georgia

Posted on Friday, May 10th, 2019 at 6:38 am    

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, some 16% of all traffic fatalities that occur in the United States involve a pedestrian death. Sadly, that number is on the rise. Statistics show that nationwide, pedestrian fatalities have increased a whopping 46% since their all-time low in 2009. The state of Georgia’s pedestrian fatalities reflect this national trend.
Statistics from the Georgia Department of Transportation show that there were 260 pedestrians who died here in 2017, an increase from 232 pedestrian deaths in the previous year. What is even more astonishing is that the 2017 total of 260 pedestrian fatalities is exactly two times the number of pedestrians that were killed just six years prior in 2011.
The Governors Highway Safety Association released the annual Spotlight on Highway Safety report for 2018 and stated that the state’s fatality rate for pedestrians was 0.8 fatalities per 100,000 residents, making Georgia’s death rate for pedestrians the 16th highest in the entire United States. If you live in DeKalb or Fulton counties, you need to be extra cautious. According to statistics, over half of the pedestrian fatalities occurred in the Metro Atlanta area, which just happens to be the ninth largest metropolitan area in the U.S.
Common Causes of Traffic Accidents Involving Pedestrians
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, common contributors to pedestrian and motor vehicle accidents include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Distractions Caused by Electronics: Both pedestrians and drivers are guilty of this type of distracting behavior. Looking at mobile devices, cell phones, texting, or even wearing headphones or earbuds can put pedestrians at risk of injury or death.
  • Drivers Failing to Yield at Crosswalks: In some situations, drivers may not notice the pedestrian crossing the street, and in other situations they simply may not yield right-of-way to the pedestrian. Either situation can result in tragedy.
  • Unmarked Crosswalks: When a crosswalk is not marked, it can be especially dangerous for pedestrians because drivers may not be prepared for a pedestrian to be crossing the street.
  • Speeding: Any time a driver travels over the posted speed limit, the driver has less time to react, which makes injuries much worse in a vehicle-pedestrian collision.
  • Impaired Driving: Driving while under the influence of prescription medication, alcohol, illegal drugs, or lack of sleep is always dangerous for pedestrians as well as drivers.
  • Quiet Cars: Electric and hybrid cars are much quieter than gas-guzzling traditional vehicles. Because of this, they are more dangerous to pedestrians who may not hear them coming.
  • Dark Clothing: When choosing clothing, pedestrians should try to steer away from dark colored clothing. Lighter colored clothing and bright colored clothing makes pedestrians much more visible and less likely to be involved in a traffic accident.

Contact an Attorney if Your Loved One Has Been the Victim of a Pedestrian Fatality
If you have lost a loved one due to a pedestrian accident in Georgia, you may have grounds to file a wrongful death claim against the responsible party. The attorneys at Jonathan R. Brockman, a personal injury law firm, will review your situation and help you understand your legal options. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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