What You Need to Know About Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

Posted on Friday, January 24th, 2020 at 9:46 am    

Sadly, some of our most vulnerable loved ones are at the highest risk of being harmed by negligence and abuse. This includes elder friends and family members who live in nursing homes and other care facilities. It is important for everyone to know the signs of elder abuse and neglect in order to advocate for loved ones who may be at risk.If you believe your elderly loved ones are being mistreated at a care facility, reach out to an Atlanta elder abuse attorney right away.

Discovering that a loved one is suffering at the hands of his or her caretakers can be shocking for those who want the best for them. According to the National Center for Elder Abuse (NCEA), up to 2 million Americans over 65 have suffered abuse, injury, or exploitation at the hands of a caregiver. An estimated 1,800 deaths occur each year due to elder abuse. The sad truth is that many cases are not even reported to the authorities or discovered by their loved ones, which means these numbers are actually much higher. The NCEA estimates that only one in 14 incidents of elder abuse and neglect in nursing homes is reported to the authorities, highlighting the great importance of protecting older loved ones by recognizing signs of inadequate care and abuse.

Take a look at the following tips, provided by NCEA, to help recognize when your elderly loved one might be suffering from negligent care or elder abuse.

Signs of Elder Abuse

Although it may not always be easy to notice, there are some tell-tale signs that your elderly loved one is experiencing neglect or abuse. These include physical signs, such as bedsores or other bruising or lacerations. Your loved one may appear reserved, uncharacteristically quiet, or unwilling to participate in social activities. The best way to ensure your loved is receiving adequate care is to visit often and maintain open communication with him or her and the managers of the facility.

Physical Signs of Abuse or Neglect

While some cases of neglect or abuse of the elderly may result in obvious physical signs, such as bruising, others may manifest as improper treatment of existing ailments, resulting in preventable infections that can be dangerous for weaker immune systems. Other cases might involve Inadequate doses of medication being administered. Listen to your loved one if he or she reports poor care or abuse.

Psychological Problems

Negligence can cause emotional problems in nursing home residents. Older people may fear their caregivers and fear that caregivers will get angry with them. They may become isolated from their friends and family and fall into depression out of fear that they will suffer retaliation if they report their abuse..

Financial Abuse

Nursing home abuse often takes the form of financial victimization. When a trusted caregiver takes advantage of his or her position to steal money or even the identity of an elder patient, that is financial abuse. Keep track of your elder loved one’s financial transactions and ensure no one else has access to important accounts or valuables.

Contact an Experienced Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Attorney

If you or someone you love has been seriously injured as a result of negligence, abuse, or neglect in a nursing home, an experienced lawyer can help you pursue the compensation to which you are entitled. Contact the attorneys at Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C., a Personal Injury Law Firm today to schedule a consultation.

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