Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

Posted on Saturday, July 4th, 2020 at 8:25 am    

When we entrust a nursing home or long-term care facility with the care of our elderly loved one, we expect that the home will provide nothing less than top-tier care. Sadly, nursing home abuse happens every day in facilities around the Atlanta area — even in some of the top-rated nursing homes in the state. It is critical for the health and safety of your loved one that you learn the signs of potential nursing home abuse and that you are vigilant for any possible mistreatment. If you suspect nursing home abuse of a family member, call or contact the law office of Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. today to schedule a free case consultation.

Who is at Risk for Nursing Home Abuse?

There are certain residents that are more at risk for nursing home abuse than others. Patients with dementia, like Alzheimer’s Disease, and other cognitive impairments are at a higher risk because of their inability to communicate the harm being inflicted upon them. Patients that are deemed “more difficult” because of their disability or complex care routines are also at an increased risk for abuse from nursing home administrators and staff. However, all residents in nursing homes and long-term care facilities can be victims of abuse, so even if your loved one does not fall into one of these categories it is still imperative to stay watchful for the signs of abuse.

Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse primarily comes in four different forms — physical, emotional, sexual, and financial. Each has its own set of signs to be cognizant of when visiting your elderly loved one in a nursing home facility. The following are the most common signs of each type of abuse:


Physical abuse involves the striking, restraining, burning, and other harmful physical contact with a nursing home resident. Signs include:

  • Unexplained broken bones, bruises, or dislocations
  • Scars or welts
  • Signs of restraint
  • Broken eyeglasses
  • Burns


Emotional abuse occurs when residents are belittled, yelled at, humiliated, or ignored by nursing home staff. The signs of emotional abuse include:

  • Mumbling behaviors
  • Sucking thumbs
  • Seeming scared or hopeless
  • Avoiding eye contact


Sexual abuse refers to any unwanted and nonconsensual sexual contact with a nursing home resident. Signs of this type of abuse include the following:

  • Bloody or torn underwear
  • Unexplained STDs
  • Bruising on the inner thighs
  • Bleeding from the genitals
  • Having trouble walking or sitting


Financial abuse occurs when a resident’s finances or possessions are taken advantage of while in a nursing home facility. Signs include the following:

  • Missing possessions from their room
  • Unexplained financial withdrawals from accounts
  • Adding names to financial accounts or credit cards
  • Unusual goods, services, or subscriptions allegedly ordered by the resident

Contact Our Office Now

If you believe, or even suspect, that your family member is being mistreated in a nursing home facility, it is critical that you speak with an experienced attorney about your case as soon as possible. Call the office or contact us today to schedule a free case consultation at the office of Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C.

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