Lawyers for Brain Damage After a Car Accident Serving Georgia

Car accident head injuryBeing involved in a car accident can result in all types of serious injuries, but potentially the worst is brain damage. Damage to the brain, the most important organ in the body, can result in a lifetime of pain and disability. Whether it is a simple concussion or a severe traumatic injury, recovery depends on immediate care and complete treatment.

The Georgia car accident attorneys at Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. can help you get the compensation you are entitled to for your injuries. If you have been involved in a serious accident that was caused by someone else and suffered a head injury, contact Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. right away. We offer a free consultation and evaluation of your case to determine the most effective way to manage your case and help you get the money you need to get the treatment required for your injuries.

Table Of Contents

    Types of Brain Damage

    Traumatic brain damage, or brain injury, is damage caused by a sudden impact to the skull. The most common causes are falls, vehicle accidents, and sports injuries. Because of the areas of the brain most commonly involved, people who suffer these types of injuries experience serious, lasting effects in their thought processes, emotional responses, and physical abilities.

    The frontal lobes of the brain, directly behind the forehead, are responsible for personality, emotions, higher thinking, and fine motor skills. This area also controls speech and language comprehension. Damage to this area can cause a person to lose control of their emotions, have trouble thinking or understanding, and require extensive physical rehabilitation.

    The temporal lobes on the sides of the skull handle speech, hearing, memory, and logic. Damage to this area can result in amnesia, loss of the ability to speak or hear, and an inability to manage daily routines.

    At the rear of the skull, the cerebellum and parietal lobes control movement, balance, and the senses. Damage to these areas can deprive a person of the ability to walk, move, or function on their own. Because the heart and lungs are controlled by the brain stem, losing these areas of the brain will not affect a person’s ability to live, just to function.

    When someone is involved in a serious vehicle accident, the type of injury will depend greatly on what area of the head is struck, and the amount of force involved. It’s important to understand that brain injuries can occur even without an external injury.

    • A concussion is a mild injury that occurs when the brain “bounces” inside the skull. “Mild” should not be taken as “not serious,” since brain function is being disrupted. There is typically no physical injury to the brain. A concussion can happen merely by the brain impacting the interior of the skull, as in a sudden braking incident.
    • A contusion is an actual injury or bruising of the brain and is caused by a much sharper blow to the skull. The severity of the blow can cause a “coup-contrecoup” injury in which the area on the far side of the brain is also injured due to the ricochet effect of the impact. In a contusion, the brain is actually damaged.
    • A subarachnoid hemorrhage happens when there is bleeding in between the tissue covering the brain and the brain. There are very small arteries in this layer, providing blood to the skull. When blood contacts the surface of the brain, however, it damages the brain cells, causing serious damage.
    • A subdural hematoma is a serious event in which blood escapes from the blood vessels and begins to clot beneath the protective sheath around the skull. This sheath is inelastic and cannot expand. As a result, the clot begins to press down into the brain. If the pressure becomes too great, damage occurs to the brain itself.
    • Secondary brain injuries occur when any of these injuries happen and the body attempts to heal itself. The body attempts to bring fluids and nutrients to injured tissues, which creates inflammation and heat in the tissues. In the rest of the body, this is not an issue. In the brain, surrounded by inflexible sheaths and the skull, the swelling can become fatal.

    What Should I Do If I Have A Head Injury?

    Brain injury from car accidentHead injuries can be difficult to diagnose unless they involve penetration of the skull because the symptoms can appear hours or even days after the injury. It is important that you receive medical care immediately even if you believe you are okay or just have a headache after an accident.

    Along with the things you should always do after an accident, including obtaining the other driver’s insurance information, the names of witnesses if any, and photographs of the scene, be sure to do these things:

    After you leave the hospital, the doctor may tell you to have someone keep an eye on you for several hours. This is because signs of a head injury may not appear for some time. The doctor may advise you not to sleep or eat, or take any aspirin or blood thinners while you are being observed.

    You should contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible. The outcome for a head injury, even one as seemingly minor as a concussion, is improved by quick diagnosis and rapid treatment. The lawyers of Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. know this and are ready to help you obtain the compensation you will need for the care you want.

    Call Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. Today

    Contact us today at (770) 205-8827 or fill out our contact form and one of our attorneys will contact you for a free consultation and evaluation of your case. If you believe you have had a head injury from an accident that wasn’t your fault and need help with your case, don’t delay. We will work to help you get the compensation that you need.

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