What Is the Average Truck Accident Settlement in Georgia?

    Posted on Thursday, February 1st, 2024 at 9:00 am    

    An overturned commercial truck in a ditch on the side of the road, with super imposed words What Is the Average Truck Accident Settlement in Georgia?

    What is the average settlement for semi-truck accident cases in Georgia? There really isn’t an average truck accident settlement because each client’s situation is different. But if you check our recent victories results page, you’ll see Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C. has helped clients get awards from $150,000 to $1,650,000.

    Have you been hurt in a Georgia truck accident? Did someone else cause the wreck? Contact us online or call us at (770) 205-8827 to speak to a truck accident lawyer who can help you get the financial compensation that you deserve from the at-fault party or their insurer.

    What Is the Average Semi Truck Accident Settlement?

    No agency or organization tracks commercial truck accident settlements thoroughly enough for there to be an official answer to this question. Additionally, settlement amounts often aren’t matters of public record. To make things even more difficult, no two truck accidents are exactly alike, and any variation in the facts of a case can change the case’s value.

    However, truck crash settlements are usually higher than settlements for other types of motor vehicle crashes. Because trucks are so much larger and heavier than passenger vehicles, they have the potential to cause significant harm, which can lead to expensive losses.

    On the one hand, that means victims may be entitled to large settlements. On the other hand, it also means insurance companies might negotiate more aggressively in truck wreck cases to keep their payouts low.

    Factors Affecting Commercial Truck Accident Settlements

    Many factors can influence how much money you might settle your truck wreck case for. Examples include the following:

    • Medical expenses – You can seek compensation for medical treatment when you file a truck wreck claim. If you need ongoing care, you can factor this into settlement negotiations.
    • Lost wages – Truck crash injuries could prevent you from working. You may not be earning any income during your recovery. Your claim can include any money you missed because you couldn’t work, as well as any future wage loss or loss of earning capacity if your injuries prevent you from returning to your pre-injury job or income level.
    • Pain and suffering – You can pursue money for your pain and suffering, as well as anxiety, depression, loss of enjoyment of life, or post-traumatic stress disorder if you acquired any of these conditions as a result of the crash.

    Is There a Minimum Truck Settlement Amount?

    There is no minimum settlement amount for truck wreck cases. In fact, an insurer may deny your claim entirely if they dispute that there’s not enough evidence to prove their insured was responsible for the wreck.

    Truck Accident Lawsuit Settlements: Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Case

    Brass Lady Justice with a court house pillars in the background, representing people interested in the average truck accident settlement in Georgia.Avoiding certain mistakes after a truck wreck can improve your chances of receiving fair compensation. Mistakes to avoid making include:

    • Discussing your case openly – Be careful about discussing your case while it’s pending. Only speak about your case with your doctor and your lawyer.
    • Posting on social media – Posting about your case on social media is not advisable. Posting on social media at all while a truck wreck case is pending may not be in your best interests. For example, maybe you post a picture of yourself appearing at a sporting event. Perhaps a claims adjuster finds this picture. During negotiations, they could reference it. They might say the picture is proof your injuries aren’t as severe as you claim since you were out having a good time instead of convalescing.
    • Accepting the first offer from the insurance company – Don’t make the mistake of feeling you need to jump on an insurance company’s first settlement offer. You have the right to evaluate an offer and discuss it with your lawyer before deciding whether it’s fair. Insurance companies do not have your best interests in mind and you should be careful when communicating with insurance companies. If you think an offer is too low, your lawyer can negotiate for a better deal.
    • Not continuing medical treatment Medical documentation plays a significant role in truck wreck cases. This is one of many reasons to continue sticking to your doctor’s prescribed treatment plan throughout your recovery. Always keep receipts and records of medical care and related expenses to submit with your claim.

    An insurance company won’t always be willing to offer a reasonable settlement. If you can’t agree on a fair settlement, you could go to court to pursue the money you need. In Georgia, you typically have two years from the date of a truck wreck to file a lawsuit. You will be unable to take legal action if you miss the deadline.

    Contact a Georgia Truck Accident Attorney

    Not seeking representation is another mistake that could limit your case’s potential. When facing off against large trucking and insurance companies, you need skilled legal assistance like our legal team at Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C..

    At Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C., we understand the dramatic impact a truck wreck can have on your life. Our Georgia truck accident lawyers are prepared to offer the aggressive representation you deserve now. Learn more by contacting us online or calling us at (770) 205-8827 for a free case review by our personal injury lawyers.


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